Monday, March 02, 2015

Arkansas Legislature Wasted No Time

Feb. 2 - The first, but not last, abortion bill of this legislative session seeks to ban a procedure no currently offered in Arkansas. (A pre-emptive strike, perhaps?): drug induced abortions by telemedicine. This is where a doctor consults with a patient by video and may or may not provide a prescription.


There is a bill to make schools teach cursive, which I actually support, but not for the reasons the Lege wants it.  Common Core doesn't think cursive is necessary.  The Lege doesn't  think common core is necessary, and they will be chipping away at it every chance they get. 


The Governor has signed a bill to take effect immediately, abolishing the 9-member Lottery Commission and putting the State  in control, through the Department of Finance and Administration.  Admittedly, something needed to be done about the Lottery. It was poorly thought out and set up by administrators "from off", who were grossly overpaid, and the Lottery has been steadily losing ground.

Maybe it would be better if they sold actual lottery TICKETS, instead of hedging their bets by requiring the purchase of $5 or more scratch-offs before qualifying for the big money. Just a suggestion.

But, turning it over to the State?  Well.  No chance for corruption there, right?


Oh, yes, there was a bill allowing college staff to carry guns on campus.  The bill failed once, but it's ba-a-a-ck. It'll pass before long.  It's inevitable.

Stay tuned.


yellowdoggranny said...

jeez, makes me want to start drinking again.

Betty said...

Jackiesue: I'm just getting started. The Tea Party has taken over the state.