So, now we are told that Dumbledore was gay. Where's the surprise? He always seemed pretty happy to me, if a bit vague. I beg your pardon? You weren't talking about his mood? Oh.
Well, so what? Does anybody care? Apparently some do. The right-wing conservatives are going bonkers. Over a comment that was in answer to the question, "Has Dumbledore ever found love?" Rowlings said, "I always pictured him as gay." OMIGOSH! Congratulations, Ms. Rowlings. You've just given the conservatives another reason to want to ban your books. Besides the wizardry things, that is.
People keep asking, "Why did she say that? What was she thinking?" I'm sure I don't know. But, here's what I'm thinking. It didn't occur to her that she would be making such a splash with her comment. She doesn't live in the United States. She lives in a part of the world (by that I mean the ENTIRE rest of the world, with the possible exception of the Middle East) where people just don't get all bent out of shape at the thought that someone might be a homosexual.
She simply said what she felt about dear old Albus. He's a fictional character, folks. That means we can endow the people in the book with any characteristics we like. Call 'em the way we see 'em, so to speak.
So, let's just everybody calm down and move on. OK? OK.
Well, so what? Does anybody care? Apparently some do. The right-wing conservatives are going bonkers. Over a comment that was in answer to the question, "Has Dumbledore ever found love?" Rowlings said, "I always pictured him as gay." OMIGOSH! Congratulations, Ms. Rowlings. You've just given the conservatives another reason to want to ban your books. Besides the wizardry things, that is.
People keep asking, "Why did she say that? What was she thinking?" I'm sure I don't know. But, here's what I'm thinking. It didn't occur to her that she would be making such a splash with her comment. She doesn't live in the United States. She lives in a part of the world (by that I mean the ENTIRE rest of the world, with the possible exception of the Middle East) where people just don't get all bent out of shape at the thought that someone might be a homosexual.
She simply said what she felt about dear old Albus. He's a fictional character, folks. That means we can endow the people in the book with any characteristics we like. Call 'em the way we see 'em, so to speak.
So, let's just everybody calm down and move on. OK? OK.
Over here it was never mentioned. I only found out through reading US stuff. Frankly it doesn't affect my affection for the series of books OR the corresponding films. She did wait until a while after all the books had been published before outing poor Albus. Gosh a GAY man in charge of a school and he didn't try to interfere with any of the children?! He was NORMAL?!? Doesn't that fly in the face of accepted thought that homosexualists are after our children? She's still a very wealthy published author and she'll probably just come home and ride this out. How big a hoo ha has been created by the little statement?
I've never understood why anyone could *possibly* care who anyone else wants to be with. (other than say the pedifiles and beastiality folks out there)
I say three cheers for JK for opening up yet more horizons.
It's probably a good thing Jerry Falwell is not among the living.
He would be shocked at the news of Dumbledore's sexual orientation and you can be sure that he would try to place the blame on Tinky Winky.
I am burning my HP books right now. Filth, utter filth.........
Ha Ha Ha, I kid because I think. Or is it care. Whatever....
I think it explains a helluva a lot in book 7. I wondered, but I thought I was over analyzing again, since I tend to do that. And I can't believe the number of people who think that Rowling won't sell any more books now. You've got to be kidding.
Maybe this revelation was a marketing scheme. Maybe the demographics showed that not enough gay people bought the HP series--and now, in a show of support, maybe they will. I'm kidding, of course, but gay or straight, Dumbledore was one hell of a good wizard!
I think she did it for publicity. It cannot make the slightest difference to the story is he is gay - so why mention it at all?
peggy: It was all over the news for a couple of days, and has died down now - with the media at least.
susan: I think she just threw it out there without thinking about how uptight we are here in the "colonies". lol
nancy: Old Jerry is probably spinning in his grave.
newt: I imagine the likes of Pat Robinson will call for burning them.
kell: You know what they used to say. If you want to sell your book, get it banned in Boston. This is the same general idea.
velvet sacks: I couldn't believe it when she killed him off.
Oh good gravy....I think we have bigger fish to fry than worrying about Dumbledore's sexual orientation. I agree with you Betty....so what. Good Grief!
qofd: I'll have to bow to your superior knowledge on the subject, since I've never been to Europe. So, maybe I misspoke. It's just hard for this old Hillbilly to understand what a person's sexual orientation should make much of a difference to us.
joy: Well, it has pretty much died down now, anyway.
I wondered in the beginning how the series would fare with the Christian Right. In our area they really kicked up their heels about the whole Wizard thing. Obviously it didn't make much difference. I don't suppose this will either.
My only comment about this little literary episode is "For goodness sakes, the last time I looked, Dumbledore is NOT real so all those hand-wringing critics need to give it a rest!
I'm a detached observer, watching with bemusement this tumult over an idea that seems so threatening to some. There are far more frightening ideas out there.
gawilli: People around here were scandalized, too. But, then, they are always that way about people and ideas different from their own.
joan: Exactly!
Annie: You said a mouthful!
We are alot alike Betty...I too said...who cares.
Go to my blog and do the me me
down the blog a bit. Sister in AZ and Smart Sister did it...sort of fun.
i'm with you, sugar! i couldn't believe the uproar about a fictional character. was it just a slow news day?
sister-three: I'll take a look at the meme. No promises.
savannah: Lately, it seems that every day is a slow news day.
trust the religious right to get bent out of shape because some person in a fiction is gay.
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