Tuesday, May 08, 2012

North Carolina

Congratulations, North Carolina! You have managed to legalize hatred and discrimination. Fools.


Margie's Musings said...

And that's the thirtieth state that has done that. Discrimination is not dead in America.

Shammickite said...

As I'm not well versed in what's going on in the USA (I'm in Canada), I can only imagine what this blog refers to. Sad isn't it?

savannah said...

amen, sister! xoxox

Tincanman said...

Sad. A certain hateful and bigoted segment of our population won't be happy until they've drug us all back into the Dark Ages. Seems the era of Unreason is upon us.

kenju said...

Please don't lump me in with the rest of the NC'ians. I didn't vote for that one. Those who did make me sad.

Betty said...

Margie: Too bad, isn't it?

Shammikite: Hello. The election concerned a bill to ban gay marriage, as well as civil unions. It's unclear whether "civil unions" include non-gays. Probably does, at least in the minds of those bigoted voters.

savannah: Amazing, isn't it, how determined some people are to oppress their fellow citizens.

Tincanman: What, equally sad is that those bigoted people are in the minority, actually, yet seem to be running things in many areas.

Judy: I would never lump you in with them. You've made your more liberal views pretty clear in your blog. I like that in a person. lol

Olga said...

President Obama came out in favor of equality for marriage. That doesn't help much against the bigotry and hatred afflicting our country, but it is worth saying.

chlost said...

Here in my state, which has always been known for its tolerance and progressive ways, there is a proposed amendment to the constitution to ban gay marriage. So, we would have hatred and discrimination as part of the values of our state. Hopefully, we will be the first state to turn the tide against this lunacy.

Betty said...

Olga: It doesn't help much, but maybe the media will shut up about Obama's reluctance to take a stand about this issue.

chlost: I just can't understand why people are so afraid of this issue. It isn't going to take away someone else's rights for gays to be able to have the same benefits as everyone else.