Sunday, November 07, 2010

I'm So Confused

I wasn't particularly surprised that the Republicans took over the House.  But, I AM a bit confused.  I can't figure out why so many senior citizens voted against their own best interests.  The only thing I  can figure out is that they believed the idiocy that the Republicans were trying to pass on as truth - that Obama was going to cut Medicare to the tune of $500 Million, which is a big fat lie. As a matter of fact the seniors delivered themselves (and me) into the clutches of the very people who want to do away with Social Security and Medicare, Medicaid, etc., and hand them over to private entities. The whining and complaining should begin  shortly after January 1. 

In my county, it was reported that a majority of the  people who voted early in larger numbers than ever before were over 50 - most were WAY over 50, and lo and behold, they voted the county wet!  Go figure. It's a good thing they did.  They are going to need a drink or two a day after January.

Is it possible that there are that many old people in this country who are suffering from Dementia? 


Arkansas Patti said...

I know Betty. It is just hard to figure. People tend to think if they hear it on TV or in an email-it is gospel. Sad huh?
I had foolishly thought that after the election the rabid emails would stop. Nope, they are still coming. I am weary.

Margie's Musings said...

Me too. I just wish everyone would get down to business and stop all the politicking.

Word Tosser said...

I am just blasted away with the gulliblity of the people... and the anger of the Republican followers, meaning those of the party as well as those who vote usually independently.
One of those on television (congressman) stating he is going to stop and get rid of Obama... his job is to make laws and polices for the country and his own statesman.. not to play politic thru out the year..

Larry said...

Joy Des Jardins said...

I'm scratching my head right along with you Betty. I just can't figure out what people are thinking and how easily they can be swayed by lies and exaggerations. There's bound to be a LOT of moaning and groaning by many of the very same people who forced us to be in this state. Then who are they going to blame?

Darlene said...

I am numb but am finally getting it. Never underestimate the stupidity of the American voter.

Looking to the Stars said...

I'm with you, to tell you the truth I don't think our votes are getting counted. There are a lot of us who have seen things get thru that we voted against. There is something shady going on here. We no longer live in the land of the free & its showing (sigh)

take care

Anonymous said...

U.S. Debt Proposal Would Cut Social Security, Taxes, Medicare

Sister--Helen said...

You are confused to why the American Public...Forgets things that have happened to them in the past...that GW Bush was in office when all of this down turn started....that Nixon was the biggest crook ever in american politics and now American history thinks he was a good president...That we over look Chaney admitted water boarding was torture....The Sr citizens do not realize their SSI is Gov run health care....By 2012 we will have forgitten Sarah Palin USED to be the stupidest person in politics.....Well figure it out....YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID!!!

Ardith said...

I love your take on things! I heard just the other day how the "new" Republicans are going to balance the budget.......Social Security of course! I'm sorry, that's what my husband and I live on, period! And only one of us gets it now - for 2 more years. It's infuriating to think we paid into it for years and years and may end up with nothing! Can't wait for the "people" to see what their votes have done! I think they should do away with both parties and just vote on a person for what they SAY they can do! Right. Do away with the need to have millions of dollars to run for office too. I firmly believe they all become crooked once they are voted in.

NitWit1 said...

The supposedly bipartisan committee of solving the deficit "leaked" some of its ideas today, AFTER the election. There is something for everybody in it.

Will be interesting politics on this report!.

I am more interested in the fact in my small town for three terms each Mayor has disposed of the Police Chief. Very short job security--4 years, if lucky.

Seeme it is getting to be a trend. I sure would not apply for that job.

Anonymous said...

I think that the Republicans and FOX NEWS really played up the FEAR factor, especially with older voters who have conveniently forgotten what things were like just 2 years ago.

Jessie wade said...

"Never underestimate the stupidity of the American voter"

Considering the arrogant idiot we have as president right now you couldn't be more right.

Sister--Helen said...

You know Patty I'll bet you are going to hear something you do not hear very often..."You are much nicer than I am"....I really always say I am for free speach and all but maybe I am not because when ANYONE puts a coment on my blog I do not like I just delete it!...I would have deleted the one above and many others I have read on your blog in the past...

Grayquill said...

I have to agree with you, AGAIN - Gee I hate that! - Truth telling is sure a rarity. But I gotta tell ya....those lying Democrats don't have a leg up those lying Republicans. The exaggerations and half truths spill out of both parties. Be at peace all those lying Democrats are still in charge and those lying Republicans will be free to exaggerate, hate what they once loved when they were in power, and continue to do their best to irritate the Democrats.

Cazzie!!! said...

Sounds like politics is confusing world wide! We have another election, this time it is our State election. I just posted my vote today. Not sure who will win .. but it never seems to be the public that win that is for sure. Confusion much!

Kay Dennison said...

There are fools (who vote GOP no matter)and there are damn fools (who are listening to Scarah's lies), Combine both and voila!! we get this you-know-what!