Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Chasing Terrorism

Now, I'm just a little old lady, living in the wilds of the Ozarks, and I know there are lots of people who know lots more than I do about world affairs. So, I guess I'm inviting a lot of criticism when I say I don't think we are fighting terrorism in the right way.

Here's a little story: I lived in a ten-unit apartment building when I was in college. There were five units upstairs and five downstairs. One by one, we complained about an infestation of roaches in our units. Hardly a week went by without one or two of us calling the owner and asking him to hire someone to fumigate, and week in and week out, he ignored our requests.

So, we did the best we could, and sprayed and stomped roaches until, one weekend, after careful planning by the residents, we all moved out. We had to. With all our spraying of individual apartments, we were simply running the roaches out of one unit and into the next. We weren't getting rid of them. They were simply relocating.

And, that's what we're doing in the Middle East. We're chasing Al Quaeda from one country to another without solving the problem. And, at the same time, we're fighting on another front, an unwinnable war in Iraq.

So, here's my idea. Declare a national emergency and bring the troops home, leaving what we can call a "peacekeeping force" in the Middle East. Put the Air Force in charge of security in our airports, the Navy and Coast Guard in charge of security in our ports of entry and the Army and Marines patrolling our borders, both with Mexico and Canada. Make the term, Homeland Security mean something. And, let the Middle Eastern countries solve their own "roach" problems in their own ways.

Now, aren't you glad I'm back?

Stay tuned.


Surfie said...

You know what, I really like this idea! We waste so many resources trying to help out every other country (many of whom still hate us despite all we've done for them), and then when we need help where is everyone? Nowhere in sight. Isolationism worked pretty darn well in the past. Maybe it's time we started minding our own business and rebuilding our OWN country up instead of trying to tell everyone else how to live.

Going Like Sixty said...

I understand your concept and have suggested the National Guard troops be returned to our soil to line the US/Mexico border.

(Remember: the wars are now being fought by citizen soldiers.)

The only thing standing in the way of our ideas is the Constitution. Can't use our armed forces against U.S. Citizens...

Also, don't forget those "roaches" are sworn to attack and kill Americans, no matter where they are.

NitWit1 said...

We sure could try some different tactics, but I'm not smart enough to figure out anything, except the present situation is going nowhere.

Deanna said...

I am glad you're back. And I agree with you (and I'll have to admit, that is pretty rare ;)

We need to attend to our own home rather than everyone elses.

Mari Meehan said...

I LOVE your analogy with the roaches! I wouldn't even leave a "peacekeeping force". Their peace is their problem!

Looking to the Stars said...

Yes, I'm glad you're back:)

I like your idea! I think Washington has complicated everything and needs to get back to seeing reality. They are so close to the trees they can't see the forest

Janie B said...

I like your thinking and your analogy. They do seem to be roaches, don't they? Let them drive themselves crazy!

Grayquill said...

Your solution might be better.
What we are now doing seems to have limited value.

Arkansas Patti said...

Don't know if there is an answer to the middle east. Their leaders just love a boiling pot and do their best to keep it that way.
As always though, it is the few politicals making life miserable for the common man (mom, pop, and babies)trying to live a life there.
Really don't know, maybe your idea would work, most everything else has been tried. Glad you are back.

Margie's Musings said...

I agree with Mari. And I think we need to get out of the Middle East too.

Margie's Musings said...

I would like to share your solution with the editor of our local newspaper...with your permission.

Darlene said...

Your roach analogy is clever and makes good sense.

I am not sure it's possible to be isolationist now. The genie is out of the bottle and we are a small world after all. There are so many complicated factors involved (the monetary system, trade, etc.) that I don't know the answer.

I do agree that we should end the Afghanistan war.

Jay said...

Not only do I favor troops on the borders, but I favor the US occupying the northern parts of Mexico. Seize the cities along the border and push a buffer zone out maybe 100 miles. The violence in Northern Mexico is out of hand and the Mexican gov't can't do anything about it. So we have to.

I also support something similar in Israel and Palestine. Basically just impose a peace settlement and set boundaries and then use UN forces to line those borders and tell both Israel and Palestine to STFU.

I like the "roaches" analogy. We just keep chasing them into other countries.

Gianetta said...

I'm beginning to think more along the lines of Isolationism. We've already got more people than we need in this great country of ours. If you're here, you're here. If not, well, too bad. We're closed to new members. At least for a few years anyway...

Betty said...

Surfie: Thanks for the comment. It's time for us to pull back a bit and take care of our own problems.

Going Like Sixty: I'm aware of that pesky constitutional thing, but surely there are ways around it. Congress is so good at finding them.

Nitwit1: We have to do something.

Deanna: I'm shocked, SHOCKED, to discover that you don't agree with every golden word I say! lol

Dogwalk: Thanks. Truth be told, I'd like to bring them all home and close all our bases over there and let them battle it out on their own. But, that's not very practical, is it?

Looking to the Stars: Congress, bleh!

Grayquill: Did I read that right? Are you, sort of agreeing with me?

Arkansas Patti: I don't know, either. But, I do know we're doing something wrong.

Betty said...

Margie's Musings: This must be a red letter day - you and I and Mari all agreeing. lol

I don't mind if you share my idea. I share it all the time with my congressmen and senators and never hear from them.

Darlene: You are probably right. I'm not ordinarily an isolationist, but what's happening to this country is alarming to me, and I keep trying to think of solutions and then asking myself "Who do I think I am, suggesting solutions when people a lot smarter can't seem to come up with any?"

Jay: I think the Mexican government just WANT to do anything about it.

MA Fat Woman: We've always been proud of being a "melting pot", but maybe that concept is just too old fashioned these days.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back, Betty!!
Indeed, this thing of the US "hangin' their hat" in every corner of the "roach" world is insane. Bring back the troops, and as you say, put them to work in OUR country to keep us safe from encroaching "roaches"!! AND, and put up a border patrol that won't be chastised because they shoot someone in the butt!!!
GLAD you're back....

Joy Des Jardins said...

You're back....and I'm liking what you're saying the analogy. I'm not normally an isolationist either, but under the circumstances, and considering everything else....I don't think it would kill us even for a while. I defintely think it's a good idea to have troops on the borders.

Grayquill said...

I am agreeing with you - you can't be wrong all the time. I give you permission to chcek with me now and then. I will let you know if you are in the right.

betty said...

Margaret: Thanks. We just can't police the world any more.

Joy: Thanks. "Bring me your poor....etc" just isn't working any more. We have enough poor people. There is a breaking point in all those "open borders" ideas, and I think we've reached ours.

Grayquill: I'll be sure to check in with you. I'm still hoping to bring you over to my side. lol

Susie said...

If only it could happen...

I love the analogy and am really glad you are back. You may be a little old lady in those wild Ozarks, but you have more wisdom than a whole passel of the White House Elite!

oklhdan said...

Love the analogy also and I totally agree! We cannot police the world!

Betty said...

Susie: (Formerly Susan) lol Thanks for the kind remarks.

oklhdan: Thank you. I sometimes wish I could police the world!

Anonymous said...
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Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Even this Ozarks farm chick knows peace in the Middle East is a oxymoron. As long as there have been humans on this great earth of ours we have never had peace in the Middle East so I'm with ya'll girlfriend. Let the crazies exterminate themselves, sooner or later it's gonna happen. I enjoyed the read, so glad I jumped over.

From the hills and hollers of the Missouri Ponderosa, Ya'll have a wonderfully blessed day!!!

Anonymous said...

Well I assent to but I about the post should acquire more info then it has.