Isn't she cute? This is my new grandpuppy, Cosette. Kell and Al surprised us with her when we drove up on Saturday before Thanksgiving. She entertained us all week. She is a three year old PBGV (Petit Bassett Griffon Vendeen), house trained and completely at home with Kell and Al, even though they have only had her for a week. In fact, she already has them trained.
She definitely has a stubborn streak, though, and she and Kell threw down a few times while we were there. She hasn't figured out, yet, that she has met her match in Kell.
We had a fine time in Omaha. Kell cooked another scrumptious Thanksgiving dinner. She, Al, Jay and Judy were in and out all week, while I waved bye-bye and read my book, most of the time.
It snowed on Tuesday (or, was it Wednesday?), about 2 inches, but the streets never were slick. Sure was purty! Cosette loved the cold weather and snow. She didn't love having her feet and nose dried off when she came back in, but that's the price you pay.
By the way, nobody in our household got up to go shopping at 4 a.m. the day after Thanksgiving. We all have better sense than that. Besides, this is going to be a gift certificate, gift card Christmas, which takes some of the stress out of the season.
I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving, too! It's good to be back.
Glad you are home. You were missed. Sis 3
Glad you're back and that your holiday was a good one!
Nice to have back among us once more Betty!
The blogging world was real sleepy over Thanksgiving.
welcome back, glad you had a good Thanksgivng with your family.
your new granddoggy is adorable!
a old dog blog blogging about a new dog? that has to be a first. I am glad you are back!
She's a whut?
Shore looks like a dawg.
Really cute!
If she ever is in a cone (hope not) send her pic to http://dogswithcones.com
Cosette sure is a cutie!
Welcome back.
Welcome back. What a cute dog she is!
Cosette is a real cutie!!
What a lovely grandpuppy you have! My mom used to talk about her grandcats...I thought it was just her and didn't realize other people do that too!
I'm glad you had such a nice time being with all your family.
Always glad to see another pooch lover!
It's nice you're back. We missed you.
I love that dog's face. Cisette is the perfect name for her. She is a beauty.
I'm so glad you are back. And you have a gorgeous little grand-dog there, Betty.
Welcome back. Cosette is adorable. I got a few pics of her from Kell. She's too cute. And I'm so happy for them. She couldn't have been a more perfect match for them.
Welcome home! I love the doggie! She's so cute.
Welcome back Betty....what a cute addition to your family Granny.
For sure "Welcome Back" and glad you had a great visit and safe trip.
You know....Cosette seems to strike a strong resemblance to your little doggie in the banner on the top of your blog page.
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