A is for age: This is no way to start a meme!
B is for Beer: Whatever pours.
C is for Career: I am a retired executive secretary (read: corporate handmaiden)
D is for Your Dog’s Name: Wiggles was my childhood dog. Don't have one now.
E is for Essential Item You Use Everyday: Coffee pot. Don't talk to me before I've had my coffee and worked my crossword puzzles.
F is for Favorite T.V. Show: Now that West Wing is gone, I'm trying to find one. I like The Shield, when it's on, but the season doesn't start until after Christmas.
G is for Favorite Game: Trivial Pursuit
H is for Hometown: Little Rock
I is for Instruments You Play: Used to play Piano.
J is for Favorite Juice: Orange
K is for Whose Butt You’d Like To Kick: You know who you are.
L is for the Last Place You Ate: At home. That doesn't mean I cooked.
M is for Marriage: Never again.
N is for Your Name: It's Betty. Who wants to know?
O is for Overnight Hospital Stays: Five years ago, for an operation.
P is for People You Were With Today: My son.
Q is for Quote: So many books, so little time.
R is for Biggest Regret: Quitting college to get married, when I only had 10 hours to go. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Now, if I went back, it would take at least 40 credit hours to finish my degree, thanks to the greedy University.
S is for Sport: Golf
T is for Time You Woke Up Today: 9 a.m. Did I mention I'm retired?
U is for Current Underwear: Virginal white.
V is for Vegetable You Love: Potatoes
W is for Worst Habit: A tendency to hibernate.
X is for X-rays You Have Had: Who knows?
Y is for Yummy Food You Ate Today: Froot Loops. I'll eat anything that doesn't bite me first.
Z is for Zodiac: Aries. Not the best sign for a woman.
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yes i read the egg and i. i also read other books by this women. good books.
Just wanted to respond to your question about The Ritz in Little Rock. It was here as long ago as 1973. That't the first year I noticed it - and it looked old and established then.
Annie: Thanks. Roosevelt Road was lined with motels when I was growing up, so I thought it might be as old or older than I was.
By the way, I didn't mean to suggest that I doubted the truth of the story about the acid throwing, just that I never heard about it. However, there were some 3,000 students in the school at that time. I know there were a few incidents, such as Minnie Jean responding to some lip from a boy in the cafeteria by dumping her lunch tray on his head.
I enjoyed learning a bit about you via your meme and will respond with . . .
a is for avid annie
b is for blogging betty
c is for connecting
e is for exploring
d is for delightful discourse
Thank you, Annie. I enjoy our "conversations, too."
That's a fun meme. And your answers always bring a smile to my face.
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