Thursday, April 26, 2012

War on Women? What War on Women?

 The above is a letter to the editor from our paper, The Daily Disappointment. I suppose it is possible the writer was just being tongue-in-cheek, but I seriously doubt it. It had the ring of a true believer about it.It's hard to convey sarcasm, etc. in writing, but I didn't recognize any attempt here.

So, if women had never gotten the vote, the country would just be hunky-dory, eh?  Never mind that men still dominate the government, and their lame actions have brought us to this point in history.  And women are the cause of "the moral mess" we have, such as busted families. Listen, Ace, if Adam hadn't been such a weakling, Eve would never have been able to tempt him with that apple.  So, don't go blaming women for everything immoral.

People with this guy's attitude (assuming he's serious, of course) just frost me.

My  "spiritual discernment" tells me Mr. Sumrell and his kind are batty as betsy-bugs.

Stay tuned.



Anonymous said...


Men like him turn women into lesbians.

For the love of God, he's clearly a bible bashing, you will burn in hell, kinda guy.

Not MY kinda guy, but one I'd like to punch his teeth so far down his throat he'll be shitting them out tomorrow kinda guy!

lucylocket said...

The nuts are getting nuttier all the time.

Margie's Musings said...

What a nutcase! Men like him give men a bad name.

Big John said...

What is it with American nutters and "God" ? ... I think that you now have one running against Obama !

chlost said...

Actually, I believe it is Mr. Sumrell's time which is coming.

Kell said...

I like to think he's a troll--you know, saying something really outrageous just to get people's dander up. Please let him be a troll because the alternative is just too, too scary.

Galla Creek said...

Surely, he is trying to be funny...but we are not laughing.

patsy said...

It is true many of our family problems stem from the mother not being in the home, as my mother was to care for the children but Economics was the reason women left the home to go into the work force and the Economics of this country can be lain to the men. as for looking like Jezebles who know what jezzy looked like. I see pictures supose to be Jesus wearing a long night gown so what is this fellow using as a rule for men clothing.
The madness of this country goes beyond long hair.

Peggy said...

The only other men who think as this man does are some conservative Muslim men. He should move to Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan.

oklhdan said...

Well, I don't know what to say. If ignorance is bliss than Mr. Sumrell is one happy camper!!!

Tincanman said...

Mr. Sumrell is one sad man with an even sadder philosophy."...God knows how badly the train has gone off the tracks." Really, Mr. Sumrell? Is this the same God that allowed that to happen? Is it the same God that allowed women the right to vote or is it a different God? If it's a different God, how many are there? If it's the same God then why are you fighting what God allowed to happen? Just a thought. The only 'moral mess' I can detect in Mr. Sumrell's letter is the sad, narrow-minded, middle-eastern religious belief that women are somehow inferior creatures with little more rights than cattle--there's madness for you.

Darlene said...

I think the letter feels like it is legit and not tongue in cheek. Otherwise her would have labeled it so.

Just one old fart longing for the days when men could keep women barefoot and pregnant.