Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Much Better, Now

My back is much better, now.  Thanks to everyone for your encouragement.  To tell the truth, it has been better for over a week, but I have been lazy, and haven't been able to think of anything to say.  I just get so tired of me ranting over political candidates, etc., when there's nothing I can do about all the wingnuts, except to get disgusted. 

I'm just out of things to talk about, I guess, and no wonder.  I just realized that April 16 was my 6th Blogiversary.  That, and the fact that I'm another year older has pretty much shut me up. 

So, for awhile, I'm going to try to figure out where I want this blog to go, or if I want it to go at all.  I'll keep checking in occasionally with the usual rants, while I try to revamp, remount and reload. I'm still reading blogs and will keep on commenting.   

Stay tuned.


Galla Creek said...

Something will happen soon that you just can't keep quiet about! lol

Margie's Musings said...

Don't go away, Betty. I read here.

lucylocket said...

I hope you stick around a while longer. I'm deciding whether I should continue, too.

Kay Dennison said...

We need your voice, Betty!!!

Betty said...

Sister Three: Oh, I know you're right. I just can't resist putting my opinion in writing! I'll probably just limp along until something moves me to rant again, which will undoubtedly be soon, when you think of these idiot politicians. lol

Margie: I'll probably keep on. This is the only place I seem to be able to find some people who agree with me.

lucylocket: Well, if I DO stick around, you'd better not go away. It wouldn't be nice.

Kay: Oh, I know I'm just preaching to the choir here, but it's nice to feel appreciated.

Olga said...

Political conventions loom on the horizon. I am sure you will find something to say...and plenty of us to listen and shake our heads in agreement.

chlost said...

The world provides so much fodder for you...there is a lot of stupidity for you to write about from your wonderful perspective. Looking forward to more.

Betty said...

Olga: I guess the months leading up to an election isn't the time to quit blogging. Who would I gripe to, if not to my blogbuddies?

Chlost: I long ago ran out of material from my trips down memory lane. I also fear that I am repeating myself a lot, although I don't mean to.

Joy Des Jardins said...

You and I must be feeling the same thing Betty...I'm on a little blog hiatus too. I feel very much the same way you do and felt I needed to take some time away. Happy Blogiversary.... ~Joy

Betty said...

Jo: Thanks. I guess it happens to everyone some time. I'm just out of ideas. But, I'm sure something will happen that will really tick me off one of these days, enough so to drive me back to the keyboard. lol

Word Tosser said...

I know every time I get around my anniversary, it is like writers block and think about quitting.. so I take some time off.. and bingo something happens and gets my mind going again.. guess I just can't keep my mouth shut.. lol.. congrats to 6 and going on 7.. glad you are feeling better.
As you can see I am a day late and a dollar short on getting around to my blog reading..