Saturday, October 17, 2009

I Shall Return

I'm still here. My daughter is visiting, so I won't be blogging for a few more days. She doesn't get home often enough, so we have to catch up.

See you again soon.

Stay tuned.


Grayquill said...

That's the best reason I can think of for not blogging. Enjoy -
Blessings to you and your daughter during this visit.

Looking to the Stars said...

Have a good visit. Will be looking forward to your next post :)

Arkansas Patti said...

Enjoy your daughter and take care of yourself.

Darlene said...

You have your priorities in order.

Have a great time visiting with that special person and forget blogging until she leaves. When a daughter leaves it also leaves a hole in your heart so you will find us here to help fill it up when you return.

Joy Des Jardins said...

Have a great time Betty....and this really is one of the best times there can be....'mom and daughter time' together. See 'ya later.... Hugs....

kenju said...

I know you'll have a good time with your daughter!

Gianetta said...

Enjoy your visit.

Tincanman said...

Hope you have a wonderful visit! See you when you return to the blogosphere.

Deanna said...

Enjoy your visit and hope you are feeling better!

I think you are right about the leaves, one good cold snap and they will pop!