And, I WOULD get out more, if, one or two days a week, everybody else would stay home or at their various jobs. I don't get out much by design, because people piss me off, and usually, if I get out several days in a row, somebody is bound to do it.
So, I went to the grocery store Tuesday morning. This is my normal schedule, then I don't have to go again for another week. So, nothing unusual happened at the grocery store.
Wednesday afternoon, I got my hair cut. I read about a hairdresser, somewhere who didn't have a salon, I don't think. She just went around to her clients' houses, carrying all the supplies she needed with her, like house cleaning services do. Seems to me this would be a good idea. Except, I like my hairdresser and he doesn't make house calls.
Anyhoodle, Snipper, ( that's not his name, but I like to protect the innocent) washed my hair and was making good time cutting away when he dropped the comb. It started to slide down my front, and without thinking, he took out after it. He patted me down like a cop searching for concealed weapons. When he realized what he was doing, he got embarrassed and finally, started laughing hysterically. I may have added to his hysteria when I said, "No one has done that to me in 25 years!"
Well, that lowered the level, so, naturally we started talking about Governor "Pays-Way-Too-Much for it" Spitzer. By the time he got through drying my hair, everyone in the place (it's a small salon) was howling with laughter.
When I got to the car, Jay said, "I could hear you all laughing all the way out here in the parking lot." He should have gotten there earlier, and come in and watched the show.
Thursday, we went to the Target store in Branson to cash in some gift cards. Nothing exceptional happened except that I bought a new electric skillet. Some guy in the parking lot was having a conversation with himself. He would say something, then pause, head cocked to the side like he was listening, then he'd talk again. But, that's the only strange thing that happened.
Then, we went to Red Lobster, where he graciously shared his gift card with me. It took forever to get our entrees, and the waiter tried to float the idea that it was because it takes a long time to hand-bread the shrimp I had ordered. Now, I don't know how they do it, but I can hand bread a lot more than 6 itty-bitty shrimp in the 30-40 minutes it took them. I had also ordered broiled scallops, and while you know I'm not one to complain, but have you ever looked at those broiled scallops they serve? They are broiled in their own little dish and are about the size of a 3 carat diamond. Furthermore, they are uniform in size. Scallops don't clone each other, do they? And, do they really come that small?
I read somewhere that if you are served scallops that are uniform in size and shape, they are probably some other kind of fish, cut up to resemble scallops. So, have I caught you out, Red Lobster? Did I have an "AHA!" moment? We'll probably never know.
Since nothing really dreadful happened in any of my outings this week, I may try it again in a couple of weeks. At least, it gives me something to write about.
Friday, March 14, 2008
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Try catching a bus! ;)
Sounds like a good day out with Jay! Entertaining and everything.
If you were up this way, that could have been me in the Target parking lot! Ha!
I had exactly the same experience with scallops in Red Lobster.
I had seen their commercial and the scallops were very large and tasty looking. The ones I was served looked like those little tiny marshmallows you put in hot chocolate.
I asked the waiter about that and he said "Oh, these are bay scallops. you should have ordered sea scallops, they are the large ones." There was absolutely nothing like either of those choices on the menu. It simply said Scallops; and the ones I was served did NOT look anthing like the ones shown in the commercial.
I have never been back to Red Lobster again.......
My brain doesn't really work too well. I thought you went to Red Lobster with crazy man from the parking lot. I had to go back and re-read.
I have never been to a Red Lobster. They tend to be ghetto in this area. Like a more expensive White Castle or something.
You are a hoot!!! And, I mean that in the nicest way...
Think how many scallops they made with that piece of fish...
Check on your adventures later...
grannymar: We don't have bus service in this small town.
newt: It was a good day out. The weather was beautiful, too.
gawilli: Did you see a guy talking to himself, too? lol
nancy: Yeah, yeah. I have heard that "bay scallops" story, too. That still doesn't explained why they were all the same size and shape.
karen: lol. Jay tends to mutter to himself, sometimes, but it's usually when I have done something to exasperate him.
Hi, beverly, and welcome! And, thanks.
It does sound like a fun day. I haven't had a hairdresser drop a comb down my front yet, but I am hoping this happens someday.
please send me the address of you hairdress, feel i might have to make an appointment with him!
I have no idea about this Bay or Sea scallops stuff. I am mainly a meat and potatoes type, but my daughter in law told me they might be using shark meat to make those "Uniform" scallops you mentioned.
You think?
peggy and katy: I think I might have to go back more often.
nancy: It's possible. I know I felt like biting someone after I ate them.
A day like that and you're thinking already about going out again. I hope the next time is at least as much fun, Betty, and maybe there'll be another nice young man who'll accidentally give you a moment of pause. I'm just thinking about your comment of yesterday and it reminds me that we all need a little thrill now and again.
Felicia and I keep going out to shop, but we are finding more and more stores with lots of empty shelves.
We're quite surprised how many stores still have Christmas items on display for huge discount prices.
Even our Mall food courts are beginning to show gaps where shops used to be.
Even at our Sam's Club we are noticing big empty gaps where electronics ad gadgets used to be.
Its getting a bit scary...
Maybe we should stay in more.
if you got the hairdresser to come to your house when jay was gone you might have something more to write about.
annie: I do need to get out more, I guess. But, as Sally Field said, in "Sybill", "People, people, people......"
dirkstar: Everything about the economy is getting scary.
Patsy: I'd never tell.
i LOVED this post, sugar! thanks for the chuckles! ;-)
You should just run into the kitchen at Red Lobster and yell "Aha! Gotcha ya bastards!" and then see what they do. If they grab the scallops and run like the INS is after them then you are probably right.
savannah: Thank you. I'm reading your posts, too, but don't always have time to comment.
steph: I wish I'd thought of that!
Betty, I had heard that before about scallops and had forgotten it. Thanks for the reminder.
This post made me want to drive to Harrison for a hair cut!!
One more cousin has been a waiter at Red Lobster in Fayetteville for almost 20 years. I'm going to ask him about the scallops when I see him Easter Sunday.
it occurred to me that the crazy man had one of those Bluetooth behind-the-ear telephones. I read a joke somewhere that now crazy people can just put on a Bluetooth and nobody thinks anything about it, but if they didn't have one, they'd get carted off to the funny farm.
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